
Artikel Bahasa Inggris - Ways To Eliminate Sense of Drowsiness

Artikel Bahasa Inggris - Drowsiness is one of the natural phenomena experienced by humans. Everyone must have felt how these sleepy. Only problem is what if the drowsiness that came at a crucial time. For example, if sleepy while at school, it would be a problem. We could be reprimanded and punished by teachers of us. Problems also arise when it is in an important meeting suddenly sleepy. It must be unfocused and want immediate meeting finished. 

Actually what is the cause drowsiness it? Drowsiness is characterized by yawning can be caused by many things such as fatigue, because staying up all night, tired of the event presented, and can also be due to the disease. There tse tse flies named causes sleeping sickness. 

How to Eliminate Sense Drowsiness 

Yawning is a natural process that made the body to increase the supply of oxygen. When yawning means the body needs more oxygen. With oxygen evaporates in the air will be taken to further circulated throughout the body. 
Have you experienced drowsiness while during the crucial moment? Or even have funny memories with this sleepy he he. Here are some tips to get rid of drowsiness that you can apply. 

1. Drinking water 

With drinking water will help the body eliminate sleepiness. There is oxygen in the water that will be very useful. Good cold water, hot water, or water with moderate heat can help eliminate sleepiness. 

2. Wash your face with water 

This method is a favorite and common way most people do to relieve drowsiness. With sleepy face wash is expected to be refreshed, so sleepiness disappear and body back in shape. 

3. Eat candy 

How to eat candy can be used to treat or prevent sleepiness sleepy. With candy that has a sharp taste, bitter, spicy, salty, or are expected to be able to make is always maintained without drowsiness. Coffee candy also become one of the favorite flavors in removing sleepy. 

4. The hot tea and hot coffee. 

Both of these drinks is usually used to relieve drowsiness in official events such as seminars or meetings. Blend flavored coffee or tea mixes hot water will feel relieved that nyoz and make a fresh taste can reappear. Moreover, coupled with some snacks, definitely feels good and drowsiness were fading. 

5. Seeing the sleepy 

The latter is indeed looks funny and silly, but believe me when people sleepy behavior was funny and when we see it even can make us sleepy lost. Perhaps seeing things that can make the sleepy smile or laugh is gone. Do not believe? Please try for yourself. 

Similarly, a short article about some ways to relieve drowsiness. Perhaps there are still some other ways that are effective, but at least with some sleepy tips above, you can get rid of the phenomenon amid sleepy important event. 

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