
Artikel Bahasa Ingris - Red Rice Health Benefits For Body

Artikel Bahasa Ingris - Red Rice has a variety of uses that are good for your health. In contrast to the usual white rice, red rice contains more nutrients and fiber is high, this type of rice has a layer of skin that still surrounds bijirinnya, this skin layer is touted as the cause of brown rice is rich in nutrients. Red Rice is also safe for consumption by diabetics because eating brown rice can not increase blood sugar levels. In addition, the high fiber content on Red Rice can help digestive system, so it is good to prevent constipation. Well, a variety of other benefits of brown rice will be reviewed more in this article. 

Here's to Your Health Benefits of Red Rice Body: 

1. Rich in Fiber 

Red Rice Rich in fiber which is very good for health. Red Rice also contains karbrohidrat complex, in contrast with the white rice that only contain simple carbohydrates. This makes Red Rice became one of the alternative food source for dieters. 

2. Controlling Blood Sugar Levels 

Brown rice is a good source of energy needed by the body. According to a study ever conducted to find results that brown rice can help regulate blood sugar levels and insulin production in the body. This is because according to the results of the study, red rice is known to have a low glycemic index. The glycemic index is a number that indicates the potential for increased blood sugar from carbohydrates. 

3. Helps Maintain Sense longer Satiety 

A study conducted in the British Journal of Nutrition found that by eating complex carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, brown rice and potatoes, will make you full faster for hours and eat no more than 320 calories per day. So it is very suitable to be consumed, especially for those of you who are running the program a more healthy diet. 

4. As a natural antioxidant free radical Pengangkal 

Red Rice contains many nutrients that act as natural antioxidants, which are very important for the immune system to ward off free radicals in the body. Ingredients include iron, manganese, and zinc also plays a role in producing energy in the body. zinc, a mineral that helps accelerate wound healing and maintain the body's immune system to function properly. 

5. Contain Vitamin B6 

Vitamin B6 is a nutrient that is needed to maintain the balance of the formation of serotonin, red blood cells, and helps the cells' DNA. By eating brown rice regularly can help meet the need for vitamin B6. A serving of brown rice can fulfill up to 23 percent of vitamin B6, this amount is needed for the functioning of the organs in the body. 

6. Lowering Bad Cholesterol Levels 

Nice brown rice is used as a staple food. Nutrition is proven to protect the body from various diseases. Eating brown rice can also help lower bad cholesterol in the body cause diabetes and heart disease, and help increase the production of good cholesterol.

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