
Artikel Bahasa Inggris - Benefits of Traditional Herbal Medicine

Artikel Bahasa Inggris - Many think that the traditional herbal medicine is not effective to treat some diseases, even some people who underestimate the traditional herbal medicine. traditional herbal medicine in racik with to use herbs and some other natural ingredients, so very far with side effects. traditional herbal medicine has a very nice benefit for our body. here I will summarize some of the types and benefits of traditional herbal medicine 

Herbal medicine turmeric acid 

Herbal medicine turmeric acid suitable for women who are menstruating, because the content of turmeric able to overcome the problems of menstruation. besides it tastes fresh and delicious, herbs turmeric acid also has other benefits, which is able to be made in medicine to treat heartburn and weight loss 

Herbal Rice kencur 

Herbal kencur rice is one of my favorite herbs, because it is not so pait and more tasty and fresh. keuncur rice herbs have many benefits, which are able to increase appetite in children, and can relieve sore sore on your body. kencur herbal rice is made from natural ingredients, so you do not have to worry to consume every day 

Herbal Pahitan 

From the name it is clear that this herb has a bitter taste, herbal pahitan have more benefit, even if it feels uncomfortable and bitter. Herbal pahitan able to overcome some berbaha diseases such as cholesterol and other diseases it. if you want to get rid of acne naturally, you could be drinking this herbal medicine, because herbs pahitan also useful for treating acne 

Herbal Key Betel 

Herbal lock nut is suitable for you who have a problem with body odor, this herb is useful for overcoming body odor and beneficial for weight loss. in these herbs are natural materials, such as leaves key, betel leaves and kencur. 

Herbal Gempyokan 

Herbal Gepyokan so are suggested for women who are breastfeeding, because these herbs are very useful for maintaining the quality of breast milk. Within these herbs are natural ingredients, namely dauun valve or Katu, kencur, ginger and other materials 

Herbal Cabe Lempuyang 

This herbal medicine is often in drinking ileh people who are experiencing stiff, because herbs Chili Lempuyang have good benefits to overcome stiff. if you are tired and tired of working and the body feels stiff or sore sore, you should immediately drink herbal lempuyang chili. Or you can consume it regularly so that your body does not experience the aches sore after work tired.

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