
Artikel Bahasa Inggris - Red Dragon Fruit Juice Benefits

Artikel Bahasa Inggris - Red dragon fruit is one of the favorite fruits are often made juice or eat immediately, because it tastes fresh and delicious and healthy body. Do you already know the benefits of a red dragon fruit juice that often you eat ?? 

Efficacy of the Red Dragon Fruit Juices 

- Red dragon fruit juice neutralizes toxins in the body and is able to bind heavy metals 
- Vitamin C is in the red dragon fruit is very beneficial to boost immunity and help accelerate wound healing 
- Red fruit juices are also useful for antioxidants, so it is able to protect your body from free radicals and cancer diseases 

There are some people who are reluctant to drink the red dragon fruit juice, whereas the efficacy of the fruit is very good for the body, the reason why there are Some people are reluctant to drink the juice that this is a rather bland taste. if you do not like the taste bland, you can cultivate dragon fruit into a delicious juice, delicious and healthy 

Tips Or Recipes Make Red Dragon Fruit Juice 

- Take 150 Gram dragon fruit, then chopped (small) 
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice 
- 200 Ml cold water 
- Input red dragon fruit with cold water and 1 tablespoon lemon juice 
- Input into a blender until smooth and blendered 
- Serve while still cold juice 
- If you want a sweeter taste, you can add a little cave

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