
Artikel Bahasa Inggris ( How to Make Scrub From Bengkoang )

Artikel Bahasa Inggris - Yam is a type of fruit that is easy to get in a traditional pasar2, even the fruit is very easy to grow, you can plant it in your yard or garden. but many people are not so happy with this fruit, perhaps because it feels normal / not so sweet. but behind the lack of it, bengkoang fruit has many benefits, the example is to be made in scrubs. I am sure you would have never made a natural scrubs made from yam, you prefer to buy scrubs in the store. 

Scrub bengkoang have very good benefits for your skin, by doing scrubs (yam) your skin will be smoother and healthier, more importantly, has no side effects. you try if you wear scrubs (that was purchased at the store) if you can guarantee that the scrub really safe and has no side effects ?? so, rather than spend money to buy scrubs and are at risk of side effects, it is better you use scrubs yam, which is more natural and better for skin care for your body. 

In this article I will write how to make a scrub of yam, actually these tips is easy and simple, after you read this article, I am sure you will be able to make it (scrubs yam) at home. 

How to Make Scrub Bengkoang 
  • Take bengkoang fresh fruit and nice 
  • Then peel the yam to clean 
  • Grated yam fruit until smooth, then input into a clean container 
  • Lulurkan grated yam to the rest of your body 
  • Do pijitan play ARAG dirt dirt in your skin can be lifted 
  • Then let stand a few minutes in order to sink scrub on your skin and Vitamin C into the skin with a good 
  • If it is, wipe your body with cold water 
  • Do It is routinely 
  • How to make Bengkoang Scrub and Rice 

Rice flour is one of the ingredients that can mix with scrubs yam, rice flour itself has a high content of Vitamin E is needed by our skin. Rice flour has benefits to keep our skin stay elastic and supple, here I will teach you to make a body scrub made from rice flour begkoang:
  • Take the rice flour and yam good quality 
  • Grated yam until smooth and mix was with rice flour 
  • Put a little water to get the consistency that you expect 
  • Then, scrub and apply it to your body, and do gentle massage, play. 
  • let out within a few minutes, in order to sink scrub perfectly 
  • Then, rinse your body with cold water 
  • Make Scrub Bengkoang With Mixed Rice and Milk 
  • Prepare grated yam, flour and milk 
  • Mix these three ingredients until evenly 
  • Apply all over your body, and let stand a few minutes, such that it is permeated with a uniform 
  • Then rinse your body with cold water

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