Artikel Bahasa Inggris - Shallots are often used as the main ingredients in a recipe. With the onion in food are expected to add flavor savory and delicious. Various dishes even need to be given as a seasoning obligatory onion. However, the real benefit of onion not only as a spice. Usefulness is more than just a flavoring. Even onion can lower the risk of cancer and protect heart health.
Red onion taste and pungent smell sometimes avoided by most people. Shallots are also shunned because it can make the eyes spicy so make tears come out. Tears may come out because of the influence of onion pungent gas into the eye. So do not be surprised when you see the slice of onion or scallions later seen crying.
Benefits Onion Benefits for Health
1. Good for heart health. Red onions contains chemical compounds called flavonoids quercetin that high levels. Based on several studies with 10,000 respondents, those with high flavonoid intake may reduce the risk of heart disease. Other foods containing flavonoids are apples, broccoli and tea. Shallots are also known to suppress levels of bad cholesterol in the blood.
2. Reduce the risk of cancer. Well, it turns red onions commonly used as a spice in cooking can reduce the risk of cancer. Red onions contain allyl disulphide are pungent and has a high nutritional content. Shallots are also known to have compounds that can overcome the cell damage caused by free radicals.
3. Lower blood sugar. Dula's disease is a disease with low insulin levels. This is due to damage to the pancreas. By eating the onion will be able to increase the level of insulin in the blood that can help cleanse the blood sugar.
4. Detoxification of toxins in the body. Red onions contains amino acids methionine and cystine which can help cleanse toxins toxins in the body. The content of vitamin C in the onion also play a role in boosting the immune system to fight the disease dangerous.
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