
Artikel Bahasa Inggris ( Tips to Maintain Health )

Artikel Bahasa Inggris ( Tips to Maintain Health ) - Health is something that is expensive. When talking about health certainly can not be separated from the pattern of life and also the intake of food consumed each day. Healthy living does not mean always eat expensive food, but more in keeping diet.Healthy food does not have to be expensive, it is sometimes the food is considered one eye it even has a high nutrient content. Not infrequently, in fact there are several medical journals analyze it, and it turns out that the food is as natural medicine.

Here are some tips on how to maintain a healthy system.

1. Make it a habit to drink enough water. Our bodies are mostly made up of water. With a composition of about 70%, then the water will determine the fitness of the human body. Metabolic processes will also become more fluent in the presence of enough water consumption. Consumption of water is enough will also prevent us from dehydration. You can imagine, the rate of about 2% dehydration would interfere with the performance of the body. What happens when our bodies are water supply, causing dehydration higher. 

2. Take a break with ample servings. After a day of activity, the body needs time to rest. In a state of sleep occurs body recharge process and also repair damaged tissue.Work liver in eliminating toxins and toxic substances from the body will become more leverage when in a state of sleep. 

3. The consumption of nutritious foods. Nutritional foods that should not be expensive, but the food is nutritious foods have high nutritional ayng impartial. Nutrition needs of each person is different, depending on the level of activity and energy needs. Reduce consumption of carbohydrates if you do not have enough time to exercise. Keep always the intake of essential substances such as vitamins and proteins. 

4. Regular exercise also has an important role in maintaining a healthy body. Keep in mind that a good sport is a sport that has a regular rhythm. In addition to maintaining the fitness exercise is also good for heart health. Some of the sports that you can apply include walking, running with a regular rhythm, swimming, cycling.

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